Welcome to the Midvale Elementary School Library Media Center!
Meet Your Library Media Technology Specialist
My name is Ann Taillon and I’m the Library Media Technology Specialist at Midvale. I am in charge of the school library collection and technology here at Midvale, including student Chromebooks. We have a fantastic, diverse book collection in our library as well as a variety of eBook and educational databases that you can even access from home with your student’s login info. I have always had a powerful love of books and am excited to connect students with our library collection and resources that catapult their learning and ignite their passion for reading!
Ann Taillon
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Library & Classroom Links
Making & Coding Links
Digital Citizenship Links
The Madison Metropolitan School District Library Program provides inspiring, accessible and transformative teaching and learning experiences which empower all students and communities to be future-ready, using diverse literature and innovative resources.